To think that I would be spending my long weekend full of activities...well..it all just went down the drain..
I planned to go for a picnic..or visit Bukit Tinggi..or mandi sungai..or going on an adventure exploring new places...or just simply a movie...
and none of the above happened!
Instead...I was just sitting at home....trying to find something to do that's hopefully enjoyable and the result.....= nadahhh!....mission failed!
Why? Well..let's just say..when there's a holiday..or long weekend..some people already planned to balik kg..dating dgn boyfren..dating dgn girlfren...and me? Yg single and all alone nih (sheesh..I hate myself now)....ditinggalkan la alone..mcm biasa! Can't complain much can I...? Sape suruh tak cari bf..ahaha...(ingat cari bf ni mcm calling a cab ke..bila u nak..terus ade?!) dang...Sungguh bosan...(and lonely)
Mom and dad kat Bandung pulak tu...Sisters gi dating and lepak with friends..
When I asked them out..sume taknak ikut..FINE...I'll just sit at home..at least save duit kan..Argghh...then wtf am I still complaining?
I think I just miss that someone.."Hey you...Come back quick!..I need to see you...I know you don't get bored seeing me everyday..." =)
Hmm...Ok people..Let me just get back to my boring routine..surf the internet..kemas la ape2 yg patut...I was so bored until I even wash my car instead of sending to car wash hokeh! and Baby Boy also I mandi kan..haha...padan muka..now ur clean and wangi! =P
Till next post..tata..
P/s: Ade final BTA presentation next Friday..wish me luck! =)
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