Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Something's wrong with me

I can feel it...but what..what is it..what is this feeling that is making me restless....???

Do I enjoy being a part of this? Everything around me...Is it for real? Is it a test?
Is it against the law? Is it the right thing to do? What's going to happen to me? What's going to happen to them? Are all people around me crazy? Am I crazy? huhu...( I think I am!)

Sheesh...I always say go with the flow..but now flow seems to be here and there...Am I lost? Is my brain starting thinking straight? Oh gosh..too many questions..I'm having a headache..Sigh...

1 comment:

deeya said...

sama la apa yg kita rs skrg..lebih kurang..:-)
kadang2 rs cam nak akhiri je hidup nie...tp tau x baik wat cmtu :-(