Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tagged by Jehan

Sorry ya Miss Jehan..lama tak buat tag2 ni..but this one I like! I have to do it..hehe..

1st, download your favourite photo using effects at

I chose this template:

1. Do you think you are HOT?
Yezza..I'm hot bebeh...even tho i'm a bit phat..but yeah...i'm huggable! ;p

2. Why do you like this picture?
Because it's so colorful and it fits well with this pic..

3. When was the last time you ate pizza?
Just now..hehe..had it for dinner at the BITC gath..

4. The last song you listen to?
Dream a Dream by Susan Boyle (youtube)..I love her voice!

5. What are you doing right note besides this?
Chatting with Monica, FB, uploading pics to FB...humming to some songs..thinking of someone..

6. What name u prefer besides yours?

7. People to tag
Mr A
Kak Nora
....Wait..I just realize that most of my friends don't blog as often..same like moi'...hehe

8. Who is no.1?
Someone I love very much... =)

9. No.3 is having relationship with?
Currently..i have no idea..but he claims he has a lot of gals...huhu...

10. Say something about no.5?
My ex-collegue...kawan baik...looking forward to meet him again to get my prezzie from tha UK! huhu..

11. How about no.4?
My brother..sedang menuntut di Surabaya..bakal Dentist.. =)

12. Who is no.2 good friend at college...lama tak jumpa ya...hope she's doing ok...

13. Others?
Others what? Do i need to explain about those other people i tag? mengantoks ni..buat tau..jgn tak buat!

Till next time..nite!!

1 comment:

Yunie said...

my dear fara..miss u damn much..jom jumpe..a lot to share..sorry cant make it last Saturday..very tired driving long journey..miss u and love u buddy..