Monday, September 15, 2008

Raya is around the corner!

Hehe..I know..its not sooo around the corner..but I'm excited...coz I'm taking a long holiday..! 1 week plus the following Monday..still on holiday! Yay! Even tho I would just prolly be spending time at home..but at least i'll be relaxing and relaxing..and relaxing! hehehehe....

Just a quick update on what happen last week, I manage to behave...YES..that is the right term..after doing several solat hajat..I became more calm and finally some sense is going to my head..Thank God..Alhamdulillah... =)
I'm not going to stop here..I still need ur guidance Al-Mighty..plz guide me..Amin...

When I met him, we enjoyed our evening and managed to spend it without goin thru a fight.all happy2 and 'matured'..hahaha..I think I may have managed to accept the truth bit by bit..altho I still..uh..nevermind..don't even make me go there! Yikess! *Bites nail =P

Anyway, my parents and I went to Keramat and bought some kuih raya last weekend...coz Along baked some cookies that will last only for a few days.. (sikit sgt..and hangus sket kat base dia...hahahaha) ok2..tak baik ckp org..I pon tak reti buat kuih ok! lol~

We already tempah our baju raya..and this year...tak larat...i repeat...tak larat nak anto kad raya kat sape2..bukannye korang balas! hahaha...sms sudah! So preparation for raya is already 8/10...tinggal duit raya je tak tukar lagi plus kemas2 rumah..and nak abiskan puasa jugak...*wink2...

"Attention to my little siblings and cousins..ur duit raya is not going to increase this year..coz Angah is considered baru start keje kat company be patient and pray I'll get a pay raise then I will double up ur ang pows!" Amin...

Hehe...till next! =P

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