Here's another classic story of Boy meets girl...
Boy was introduced to girl..girl was always usual..
Boy was at first shy..but then..looks more relaxed the next day..
Boy wanted to go lunch together with girl..
Girl happily accepted..
Boy was the goody2 type..asked the girl to bring company..coz not used to just eating alone (just the 2 of them)
Girl..once again...happily got a girlfriend to join them for lunch...
Ladidadida..Cut the story short...
Boy, girl and girlfriend talked a lot of stuff over lunch..
Boy had more things in common with girlfriend..
Girl starting to get a bit lost..but..what the heck...act normal...
Next day....boy chats with girl..
and suddenly..
Boy asks about girlfriend....
Girl..trying to be normal..answered boy's question about girlfriend..
Next day..Boy chats with girl again..and ONCE AGAIN, boy asked about girlfriend...
This time..girl realized,this is going no where...time to get the girlfriend into the picture..
So hey..conference chat..boy, girl and girlfriend..but obviously..only boy and girlfriend talking..
My role in this probably just to hook up other people with their new partners...instead of getting one for myself...Need I say more?
Sekian...terima kasih..