Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wedding bells season again

A lot of my friends are getting married this month and also next month..It's that time of the year again where happy couples finally tie the knot..I'm so happy for you guys..

But it leaves me wondering, when will I be sending wedding invitations of my own wedding? huhu..funny...people always tell me, I'm still young..and got a long way to go..but reality check..I'm 26 this year..and not growing younger.. :P

My parents got married at around this age..My elder sister got married at I'm not saying I'm ready to get married..but I haven't found the right person. Well, correction. I have found mr right, but too complex ? I dunno..

I must learn to appreciate things more often,then maybe I will see the clear picture ahead of me.
As for mr right. I'll keep praying you are the one for me. Tak salah doa kan? If you're meant for me, I'm sure you will always be mine until the end. Amin..Allah knows what's best for me.InsyaAllah..

Selamat pengantin baru kepada yg akan berkahwin tak lama lagi. Wish you all the best! :)

1 comment:

Afira said...

farah.. AWARD for you..check my blog